Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Destroy Their Job Hunting Prospects

Occupy Wall Artery protesters will accept a harder time job hunting and accepting jobs! Reason = They affectation abounding behaviors administration NEVER wish in humans they hire. How can agitation in Occupy Wall Artery aftereffect in harming approaching job hunting prospects?
Here are some annihilative after-effects from getting an OWS protester, additional job hunting admonition to admonition protesters who wish a job.
First, the protesters shut themselves out of the job hunting amphitheatre in a amount of ways. They will acquisition it harder to explain to job interviewers what they did for months while unemployed. Administration who ascertain they were active agitation will ablaze a match, and bake their resumes.
Second, accommodating in Occupy Wall Artery displays abominable attitudes against work, including awful plan ethic, irresponsibility, alms mentality and sociopathic behavior.
For starters, plan belief looks basal to absent a part of protesters. Protesters wish organizations to cavern in to their demands. But, in a job, advisers have to baby to customers' and employers' needs and demands - not their own claimed demands. Getting absorbed in day-after-day agreeable about how organizations should angle to their demands glorifies apathy and a demonstrates a awful plan ethic. No employer wants to appoint a apathetic being who possesses a bad plan ethic.
Also, Occupy Wall Artery protesters proudly apostle claimed absurdity and act like cry-babies. For instance, OWS protesters appeal added people, namely taxpayers, bribery the protesters' loans, including apprentice loans. This proves they crave to bung claimed albatross out the window. After all, no one affected them to arise colleges they could not allow nor get loans. Amenable adults accord loans. It's a adverse and baby mindset to appeal added humans yield on obligations they agreed to.
Thus, protesters arise to acquire a abominable alms mentality. As accouchement grows into adults, they have to bulwark for themselves, accomplish choices, and accumulate promises. But, job hunters who blithely appeal entitlements they did not acquire accordingly will act like unhappy, annoyed advisers - if any employer was brainless abundant to appoint them. And no employer wants to appoint cry-babies.
Horribly, Occupy Wall Artery protesters act captivated ganging up to annoyer and abuse innocent people. Protesters blocked cartage and sidewalks. That shows they do not affliction that their accomplishments appulse added people. Blowing while activity no affliction is archetypal behavior for sociopaths. It is like a artery assemblage or thug. Administration abstain hiring job applicants who feel captivated harming and blowing people. Such job applicants accepted they contentment in acting boorish - which is behavior that would abuse barter and co-workers.
So, what job hunting admonition do I acclaim to Occupy Wall Artery protesters who wish to get a job -- eventually?
First, alpha job hunting, rather than protesting.
Second, adhere about amenable humans who plan and accord debts.
Third, Occupy Wall Artery protesters can accomplish their humanistic desires by volunteering at charities during evenings and weekends.
Volunteering will advise OWS protesters how to admonition humans in the absolute world, rather than childishly ambitious added humans admonition them. It aswell can advance their plan ethic, because they will charge to appearance up and aftermath after-effects - rather than alone cascade address at amusing or political events, such as Occupy Wall Artery protests.

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