Monday, August 5, 2013

Pheasant Hunting Tips

Of course, the aboriginal tip is to accept your shotgun loaded afore you alpha out to acquisition some birds.
Good locations for award pheasants is a dry basin basal with a cogent bulk of asleep besom and weeds which are about knee to waist top or, in the edges of atom or blah fields.
The banty (male) pheasant is the one that you wish to be hunting. It is blithely apparent with continued brownish appendage accoutrement and a red and blooming head. It has a white ring about its close and has red-orange and atramentous body. The hen (female) pheasant is abate than the rooster. She is mostly ablaze amber throughout the accomplished physique and has abbreviate ablaze amber appendage feathers.
Pheasants chase a agenda as accepted as your morning coffee. Understanding their accepted can access you acceptable awning of bloom out a rooster.
Before aurora pheasants alpha their day at roost sites. This is usually the areas of knee to waist top grass or weeds, area they accept spent the night. At aboriginal ablaze they arch for some abode to acquisition alluvium or grit, such as roadsides, atom fields or agnate areas.
They usually activate agriculture about 8 am. In some places cutting hours activate at 9 am and the birds are still feeding.
By mid-morning, pheasants accept larboard the fields for dense, blubbery awning such as continuing blah fields, besom patches or built-in grasses. Here they will crouch down until backward afternoon. The nastier the weather, the added into awning the pheasant will go.
It is harder to plan ample fields of continuing corn, because pheasants will run to abstain predators. If you are hunting during mid day, afresh aces canal banks, acreage edges, grass acreage and abysmal into marshes.
When you do accept a acknowledged shot, accomplish abiding and mark area the bird fell so it will not be absent on your way to aces it up because the besom and weeds accomplish it difficult to acquisition anything.
Eventually the pheasant has to eat again. So, during the backward afternoon, the pheasants move from their dabbling spots aback to the agriculture areas and are easier to spot.
In summary, the best time to coursing pheasants is the aboriginal and the endure cutting hours of the day.
Hope these pheasant hunting tips were accessible and you accept a acknowledged hunting trip.

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