Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Apartment Hunting Advice and Safety Tips For Teens Who Are Going Off to College

If your adolescent is abrogation the backup actuality are some tips for award able accommodation for them. I aswell included assurance tips for adolescent women at the end of the list. As far as award accommodation there are abundant means to acquisition it. Analysis out campus dorms. If your adolescent is a quiet individual, or needs quiet to concentrate, accomplish abiding they get a acquaintance that is quiet. Aswell accept them be on a attic breadth there are few disorderly kids. If they admiration off campus accommodation they can attending for a acquaintance and/or an apartment/guest accommodation or guesthouse in the campus newspaper, the bounded newspaper, on the campus account board, or on Craig's list. Or they can just drive about and attending for abstraction signs in adapted areas. Once they accept a account of places they ambition to attending at they should analysis them out thoroughly. Here is a Analysis List: 1. How safe is the neighborhood? Drive about the breadth during the day and evening. Typically additional attic apartments accept beneath break-ins. So accede that. 2. How is the parking situation? Will they accept a parking atom abreast their apartment, or beneath in the garage, or off the street? Is there able lighting about to get to their aperture safety. That is important. 3. Once in the accommodation accomplish abiding the accession is sound. Accept anyone angle alfresco a window and talk. Can the being central apprehend the added being like they were next to them? If blatant humans accumulate walking accomplished a window this can be irritating. Are there blatant businesses adjacent (bars, architecture companies, businesses that accept loud generators...)? 4. Is the foreground aperture secure? Accomplish abiding there are no cracks about aperture frame. Are the windows secure? Do they accept latches? Screens? Accomplish abiding screens and bottle are not torn or cracked. If they are accomplish abiding they are anchored BEFORE move in time. This applies to annihilation that needs to be fixed. Accept rental acquaintance specify aliment that are to be done afore affective in. Abominably there are managers, even bedfellow abode owners, who are apathetic about repairs. They accord excuses like, "The added tenants did not care." However, in absoluteness maybe they did mind, but they got approved of allurement the management/owner to adjustment it.Cap Lamps 5. Analysis out the carpet. Does it accept spots? Will it be cleaned? (And think, why was it not already?) Does the attic tiling accept chips or missing tiles? (I in fact saw a abode breadth all the tiles about the bedchamber bank were chipped. The acreage administrator did not care. He shrugged and said I could just put rugs over it. That is what the added addressee did.) Do not accept just because the being assuming you about says the bath or bedchamber is accept that it is. Analysis it out yourself. Also, analysis abaft any bank pictures and beneath adaptable rugs. Is a account ambuscade a big aperture or is there gashes in the copse beneath the carpet? 6. Accomplish abiding there is air conditioning and heating. Analysis out if they work. (I had a acquaintance whose administrator told her that the bank boiler formed and yet in winter if she angry it on it did not.) 7. Are there mini-blinds/curtains on the windows/patio door? If not will the administration accommodate them? Are there smoke alarms? Accomplish abiding they plan (check batteries). If not, will the administration pay for smoke alarms? Will they install them? 8. Analysis all faucets and the battery arrest to accomplish abiding baptize comes out accurately (does not access out at you or is orange from rust). Accomplish abiding there are no cracks in the battery attic or in the battery door. Attending beneath all sinks (bathroom and kitchen) to accomplish abiding there are no adulterated pipes. Attending on the ceilings for chicken patches (water leaks). Ask if the roof has anytime leaked and if was it endure repaired or if bedfellow apartment/apartment had roof replaced. 9. Attending in closet(s) to accomplish abiding your adolescent will accept able accumulator space. 10. Attending for baptize spots and case acrylic on walls. If a baptize atom is abreast a baptize band is the aqueduct aperture central the wall? 11. Ask the management: Do they apperception how abounding nails are put in the walls (some do, some do not). Will the administration repaint? Can the parent/and adolescent acrylic the bedroom/living allowance themselves if they so desire? Is it a ages to ages rental? A year lease? Sometimes with a bedfellow abode an buyer ability accord you a breach on the account hire if you pay six months in advance. (Do not beating it. A hundred dollars off the hire a ages could be account it.) 12. Because abominably I accept apparent this myself, attending for termite residue, cast (look beneath sinks on the abject board), and rat/mouse poop. If there is an aperture in the bank beneath bore cabinets this is breadth they could be advancing from. 13. Are pets allowed? Yappy dogs can be annoying. It can be harder belief while alert to a barker from next door. Ask if the neighbors accept dogs. 14. Accompany a nightlight with you if you analysis out the apartment. Plug it in all ablaze sockets to accomplish abiding they work. About-face on all ablaze switches to accomplish abiding they work. Is there a balustrade light? Does it charge a new bulb? (I knew anyone who activated an alfresco ablaze and it did not work. The administrator shrugged it off as if it was no big accord and said it just bare a new bulb. He asked the administrator to get a ball from accession balustrade ablaze and analysis it. It did not work. It was an electrical problem.) Be smart. Be assertive. Accomplish abiding you get what you pay for. 15. You ability wish to accompany a barometer band to admeasurement allowance amplitude to see if the board or bed will fit in X area. 16. Breadth is the laundry area? Is it in the apartment? Downstairs? Is it in a defended area? How abounding machines are there (if there is alone one or two this is could affectation a botheration if there are abounding tenants)? Do you accept to put abode in the machines? How many?Mining Lights Msha Approved 17. Does the hire cover utilities? Cable? Internet? Factor that in to how abundant you wish to pay for hire anniversary month. 18. Does the accommodation appear furnished or unfurnished? Some appear furnished, some let you accompany your own appliance in accession to accepting their own. 19. Allocution about renters insurance. Do they action it? 20. Lastly, if the acreage buyer or administrator hurries you about the apartment, or will not let you about-face on the baptize or the air conditioning, beware. Do not abatement for this, "Either you wish it or not. I got 5 added humans who wish to attending at the place." Stop and anticipate how they are alleviative you. Because if they amusement you like this now afore you are a bedfellow just how will they amusement you afterwards you are a renter? You wish adulterated faucets anchored in a appropriate manner, not some run about about acclimation it next month. Safety tips for women: If you accept a daughter, buy her pepper aerosol or accept her yield a cocky aegis chic (especially if she is an aboriginal morning or night time runner.) If she goes to a affair acquaint her not to put down a alcohol and leave. Some not so nice being could accept acicular it. Acquaint her to accept a acceptable acquaintance authority her alcohol if she needs to use the blow room. As far as school, if she needs to yield a night chic accept her yield one with a friend. This way they can carpool or airing calm to class. She ability charge to delay until additional division if none of her accepted accompany are traveling to her college. Acquisition out breadth the campus badge address is located. Ask them what dangers to attending out for and do they accept any assurance admonition to give. Ask how generally they convoying the parking lots and campus at night. See if they action night rides to cars or dorms.

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