Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Death of Dorothy Hunt - Probing the Assassination of JFK, Part 1

A advantageous way of abutting the assassination of John F. Kennedy is to appraise two men called Hunt, Howard, a career CIA man and oil billionaire H.L. Establishing who absolutely dead Kennedy is about impossible. But the belief of these two men will afford ablaze on the armament at plan in 1963.
On December 8, 1972, a United Airlines Flight accustomed the wife of E. Howard Hunt comatose abreast Chicago's Midway Airport . She bought an added aboriginal chic bench for her luggage. It is not accepted what happened to it. Did it accommodate the $1, 900,000 in negotiables ands $10,000 in untraceable banknote that CREEP paid to buy the blackout of the Hunts ? Some account that there was less, conceivably amid $100,000 and $250,000. There is able evidence, that CREEP was aswell affairs blackout about what Hunt could say about the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
E. Howard Hunt ( 1918-2007), G. Gordon Liddy, and James McCord had masterminded the acclaimed Watergate break-in. Hunt was a affiliate of the insiders' amphitheater of old boys, abutting to above administrator Allen Dulles; and Hunt's protégé was David Atlee Phillips. He was Chief of Cuban Operations and Covert Action at the Mexico City base at the time of the Kennedy assassination and had been complex in an accomplishment to falsely advertise the abstraction that Lee Oswald formed for the Soviets. Hunt was apparently aswell involved, accepting been assigned to Mexico City in August and September, 1963. In 1963, Hunt was Chief of Covert Operations for the Domestic Operations Division. There are arguable allegations that Hunt was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 and a 1966 announcement initialed by Richard Helms and James Angleton advertence it was important to burrow Hunt's attendance in Dallas that day. Helms was addition affiliate of the charmed amphitheater of CIA insiders. Helms and Dulles formed calm to anticipate the Warren Commission from animate about plots, in alliance with the Mafia, to annihilate Castro.
Hunt clearly larboard the bureau in 1970 and became allotment of a abstruse White House Investigative Unit that agitated our a few burglaries. Dorothy Hunt was aswell a CIA abettor and met her bedmate if they were animate in China in the backward 1940s. She was black about aerial about the country paying off Watergate abstracts and the way the payoffs were handled. Hunt accepted money in acknowledgment for blackout about who ordered the Watergate break-in, and Dorothy Hunt , aswell a CIA agent, aswell alternate in the negotiations with White House aid Charles Colson. James McCord claimed that Dorothy told him and her husband's advocate that they had affirmation that would "blow the White House out of the water. ".John Wesley Dean told Nixon on the acclaimed tapes that Mrs. Hunt was "the savviest woman alive." She had put the accomplished account together. A ages afterwards her death, Hunt pleaded accusable to cabal and break-in and spent 33 months in prison.

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