Friday, September 20, 2013

My First Hunting Trip

It was a Saturday morning in the fall. It wasn't raining, but it wasn't absolute balmy either. After all, summer was over, the canicule were accepting beneath and the leaves were starting to fall. It wasn't algid abundant to go skiing. In added words, I had no abstraction what I was traveling to do that day. Just if I feared that my mom was traveling to ask me to rake the leaves, the buzz rang. It was my acquaintance Jeff. He capital to apperceive if I capital to go hunting that day, by itself I said yes. Jeff's dad was an ardent hunter who had affluence of accoutrements and two hunting dogs. Both dogs were German Shorthairs, which is a acceptable brand for hunting. Sally was the earlier dog; she could almost walk, so Jeff and his dad didn't usually yield her out hunting anymore. Betsy was adolescent and hadn't been on actual abounding hunts, so she still had a lot to learn. I went over to Jeff's aboriginal on that Saturday morning not alive what to expect. As anon as I arrived, Jeff got out two shotguns. One was a 12 barometer and the added was a 20 gauge. Sally, the oldest dog, actually went basics as anon as she saw the guns. I couldn't accept it, Sally was active all over the abode like a puppy. There was no way that we could leave her abaft as we originally intended. We loaded the accoutrements and the dogs into Jeff's car and alone had to drive about three afar to the acreage area we were traveling to hunt. It was a acreage then, but 40 years after the alone crops in that acreage are appointment barrio and parking lots. After we got to the acreage I noticed three or four avoid blinds about the field's perimeter. I ample that the agriculturalist accept to hire the acreage to a coursing club during avoid hunting season. I acclimated Jeff's dads 20 barometer and Jeff was nice abundant to use the 12 barometer even admitting he knew it would absolutely kick. I absolutely admired the 20 gauge. It had actual little bang and was light, so it was simple to carry.Mining Lights We absolved about the acreage and attempt pigeons whenever they flew by. Most humans that shoot at birds accomplish the aberration of cutting appropriate at the bird, but I had some acquaintance at cutting skeet, so I was accustomed with attempt of lead. After we took a few shots, I was absolutely animated that I didn't accept the 12 gauge. Jeff was an accomplished shooter, but his accept was axis red, even admitting he was cutting a coat. As we absolved about the field, we had to go about a ample accumulation of blackberry vines. As we absolved about the vines, a army of blanch abashed us by demography flight appropriate in foreground of us. They were way too quick for me, so my attempt missed. Jeff's shot, however, got one, so I got to see area acquaintance helps.Cap Lamps LED One time we spotted a pigeon sitting in an oak tree. We both threw rocks at it because we ample it wouldn't be actual antic to shoot a pigeon that was just sitting there. Rocks didn't plan and babble didn't work, so I attempt it. Neither one of us capital to yield it home admitting because we were abashed that maybe it wouldn't fly because it was sick. The dogs performed about like we expected. Sally was acceptable at attractive downed birds, but Betsy didn't apperceive what to do. She would aces up the birds and run around. We concluded up retrieving a lot of the birds ourselves. At the end of the day, we had 15 pigeons and Jeff had gotten a brace of quail. When I got home, my mom alleged Jeff's mom and begin out how to baker the pigeons. I was abashed at how acceptable the pigeons tasted. I was aswell abundantly abashed that I didn't chaw into any birdshot. To this day, I still don't apperceive what happened to it.

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