Friday, September 20, 2013

Nine Point Dog Food, A Sharp Hunting Knife to the Rescue

Years ago, I bethink a coursing with my Dad, my Dad's cousin, Vaughn and his son Joe. I was nine years old and not a big bold hunter by any means. I accept my Dad capital to let me accept the experience, so he bought the hunting authorization in my name. Aback then, if you purchased a New Mexico hunting license, you not alone got the authorization for your big buck, but you could aswell shoot a blade and turkey to boot. We could buy the authorization over the adverse and didn't accept to draw for specific areas and it was acceptable for any accessible or clandestine property, with the owner's permission.
We were active in Ruidoso Downs and in the morning we would be headed for one of Dad's admired valleys amid Lincoln and Capitan, tracking the hills in Billy the Kid's footsteps. Dad and Vaughn knew the atom well, an breadth with a nice blooming coulee and not too harder to walk. We aswell hoped that the added hunters didn't apperceive about it. The night before, as we were gearing-up, the belief were accomplished with above hunts and apprehension of the big blade I'd be bringing home. Our accoutrements were cleaned, oiled, and arranged in their scabbards. The ammo was accounted for and our hunting knives were sharp. Boy was I ready.
That abatement morning we started out early. My Dad and I were walking on one ancillary of the canyon, Vaughn and Joe were on the adverse side. As we were hunting we heard shots from abaft us. That got our juices abounding and visions of my big blade ran through my mind. And actuality I was, packing a 30-30 Winchester with accessible sites, accessible to tag my "big boy" and my cossack came untied. I handed the gun over to my Dad, put my bottom on a butt if the blade we were hunting ran appropriate about us and up the aisle and all I had was a scattering of shoe laces.
Dad pulled the old Winchester to his accept and took the shot. I had apparent him ablaze matches with that gun, he was good. The gun barked and the buck's afterwards legs went out from beneath him, we had meat. In foreground of us was a nice buck, 5 credibility on one ancillary and four on the other. Of course, in New Mexico and Texas you calculation aggregate that even comes abutting to searching like a point. We were demography home a nice nine point as our trophy. The blade was still aggravating to escape so Dad unsheathed his afresh acicular hunting knife, affective a anchor abounding of antlers to cut his throat for the kill, but the blade was still too able and Dad was accident the struggle. Dad asked me to yield the shot, so I did... appropriate in the stomach. Afresh he asked me why I attempt him there. My acknowledgment was that it was a nice big spot. He asked me to shoot him afresh and I dead him with a close shot.
I was absolutely appreciative of my aboriginal hunt, even admitting it took three shots and a lot of meat was ruined. We acreage dressed and arranged our blade out of the coulee and aback home to let him adhere in the barn over night. The next morning we woke up to acquisition that some dogs were able to ability allotment of the body and had a midnight snack. After all the chance was over, our blade was acceptable eating... at atomic the locations that weren't dog food.
So, if you anytime acquisition yourself with a anchor abounding of antlers, accomplish abiding you accept your admired hunting knife, acicular and accessible for the assignment at hand. Hunting is an adventure, a appearance architect and a time to apprentice from our parents, ancestors and accompany and consistently creating memories of the times shared. Special affliction should be accustomed to safety, advancing your accessories and alleviative it with the account it deserves. Having the appropriate accessories for the job or action is consistently important.

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