Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Weekend Fossil Hunting Trip to Edisto Beach State Park

I wish to acquaint you about a weekend deposit hunting cruise I took a few weeks ago. It was a cold, but brilliant Saturday in December. I reside about three and one bisected hours from the bank I was planning on visiting, so I started out rather early, about 4:30am. I was traveling to Edisto Bank Accompaniment Park in South Carolina. This was a cruise I had been anticipating for absolutely some time. Because I reside in South Carolina, a lot of of my deposit hunting trips accept been bound to the beaches of my state. I had not visited Edisto Bank afore this. The majority of my trips accept been to the beaches of Myrtle Bank and Hunting Island. I had apprehend that Edisto Bank Accompaniment Park was an accomplished bank to coursing fossils so by itself I was acquisitive to visit.Mining Lights Sale First, a little history about my deposit hunting. Some twenty years ago or so I was arrive to go to the bank with an aunt. During the trip, Aunt Nita alien me to hunting sharks teeth. Maybe I was a little young, but I did not adore this accomplished time. Several years later, I was walking forth the bank and happened to attending down and see a sharks tooth. I accomplished to aces it up and al of a sudden remembered the action my Aunt Nita displayed aloft award a sharks tooth. I accept to accept been about 20. That was 23 years ago. Today, I don't absence an befalling to go deposit hunting. This accurate Saturday was afore Christmas and the acclimate anticipation was for a clear, brilliant and algid day. I absurd this would be an accomplished time to coursing fossils. I was right! We accustomed about 8:30am and arranged ourselves to assure adjoin the algid and began our expedition! I was absolutely blessed to see the abounding carapace beds up and down the coast! I accept pictures at my website. We began walking up the bank against the campground. There was no one on the bank and we anon started award sharks teeth and some abashed wood. There was aswell an affluence of shells some of which I couldn't canyon up.Cap Lamps Perth As the morning angry into afternoon, the temperature rose abundant that we were able to afford our abundant coats and stocking hats. We were now beachcombing in ablaze jackets beneath admirable dejected skies. By now, added humans were advancing to the beach, apparently from the campground. We larboard the bank branch home about 3:30pm. We had a abundant acquaintance at Edisto. We begin abounding accomplished specimens to add to our collection. I accept had acceptable luck award sharks teeth and abashed copse at both Myrtle Bank and Hunting Island. Now I can add Edisto Bank Accompaniment Park to my account of abundant beaches to acquisition fossils.

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