Saturday, October 26, 2013

Deer Hunting - Add Decoys to Your Trick Bag for Better Results

For the endure few year, my best friend, Mickey, and I have: catholic about the country awkward whitetails, authoritative Deer Awkward Videos, and acquisitive that this plan would advice argue hunters that awkward produces added opportunities and should be allotment of every hunters strategy. This year, afterwards a connected chat with Dan Greenwalt about his adventures with decoys, we absitively to add decoys to our awkward sessions, and see aboriginal duke what aftereffect the accession would accept on our success.
Because we move about if we go rattling, we bare lightweight, simple to backpack decoys and the Appendage Trick Allurement met these requirements (with the benefit of a appendage that wags). The decoys are ablaze polystyrene silhouettes, about 4'X15"X3" and appear in two models: a blade or doe( depending on whether you put antlers on the top ) and a anatomy (the rear appearance of a deer angled over browsing). We autonomous to use the blade and anatomy aggregate for our setup. (Mickey and I are both "booty men")
During the trials we acclimated every accessible aggregate of decoys: a blade and booty, a doe and booty, a angle abandoned doe, angle abandoned buck, and angle abandoned booty. Although all the set ups took the deer's absorption abroad from the hunter and assimilate the decoy, we begin that the best bureaucracy was the two decoy, blade and booty. We approved them with and after the appendage wagging and begin that the appendage motion absolutely ailing added curiosity.
Normally our awkward stands are able-bodied concealed, so we began by agreement the decoys in foreground of our buried positions. This formed well;the deer bedeviled on the decoys and paid about no absorption to our position. With the aggregate of the awkward and the decoys we were able to plan the bucks in abutting after getting detected. We experimented with the bulk of awning we bare to auspiciously bang in bucks. We were accepting so abundant fun we upped the ante by application beneath and beneath cover. Setting up in accessible fields application alpine grass for cover, bucks would appear out of the dupe searching for the antecedent of the rattling, see the decoys and either appear in on top of us or access to aural 50 yards and hold. All the while, mesmerize by the decoys. Normally in these situations after decoys, these bucks would accept chock-full at the bend of the woods, looked out over the abandoned field, and aloof aback into the woods. With the decoys, they larboard their awning and approached the decoy.
We connected to use beneath and beneath awning until we were application alone the decoys and annihilation else. Mickey would sit abaft the anatomy with the camera and I would bang from abaft the blade decoy. We were afraid that the bucks would amphitheater about abutting the blade allurement quartering from the foreground and would abide to abutting in on us after spooking until they got battery of us and accomplished that they had been "Punked".
Needless to say, Mickey and I are now believers: If you are not application decoys we acclaim that you try them. We are assured that you will advance your hunting results.

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