Friday, October 25, 2013

Library Scavenger Hunt

I've capital to set up a library scavenger coursing for a continued time, but I just haven't assume to had the time to do it. Now that my babe is accepting a little earlier and can somewhat handle her own if it comes to reading, I anticipate now would be a abundant time to yield on this endeavor! Here's what I'd like to do: (take notes!)
I anticipate aboriginal I'd aces out altered books in which to adumbrate clues... you know: absolutely odd ones like books cogent you how to survive in the wilderness or how to survive if you're alone off in Thailand or something. Stuff that cipher you apperceive in fact reads. (That way, if you put clues to added books central them, there's a acceptable adventitious that the book will still be in the library!)
Once I accept the 5 or six books (or movies) best out, it's time to alpha putting clues central them. Designate a page, such as page 50 for every book. If you wish the aboriginal clue to the next book to point to a book alleged "The Total Moron's Guide to Light-Speed Travel", again maybe you'd wish to draw a account of Captain Kirk's academician arising out of his arch while traveling absolutely fast. If your adolescent is TOO young, again maybe accent it down a little. But you get the idea.
In my opinion, this could be a acceptable way for your kids to apprentice a little about the Dewey Decimal System and how to accomplish the not-so-archaic agenda catalog. It'll be fun, and I'm aflame to assuredly do it. Enjoy yourselves as you try this out as well!

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