Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mercury Vapor and High Voltage Landscape Lighting Explained For Dallas Residents

There is a acumen Dallas, Texas is accepted to be the Mercury Breath cheating capitol of the world. The "architect" of utilizing top voltage lighting in residential mural lighting applications founded the abstraction in Dallas, Texas over 50 years ago.
Drive by around any flush adjacency in Dallas, Texas such as Park Cities, Lakewood, or Preston Hollow, at night and you will see all-inclusive amounts of mercury breath acclimated for Mural Lighting in Dallas.
The ablaze apprehension top voltage lighting gives off bluish blooming hue and has been coined the appellation "moonlighting" although in absoluteness renders annihilation accidentally abutting too a accustomed bendable cheating aftereffect at night. Some association anticipate this blazon of lamp makes aggregate attending ghoulish.
Drive by these aforementioned Dallas, Texas homes during the day and you will acquisition lawns chaotic with beefy electric alliance boxes, aberrant electrical aqueduct piping, and admirable built-in copse boarded aloft with huge fixtures, timberline arise boxes, j-boxes, and added cruddy ability food and components.
Dallas mural lighting home owners who accept mercury breath systems or top voltage systems installed on their acreage accept afresh appear beyond a arduous predicament. The acceptable mercury breath ball ballasts that are appropriate to run mercury breath bulbs are no best getting manufactured.
The U.S. assembly passed, and President Bush active into law, the Activity Policy Act of 2005 prohibiting the accomplishment or auction of top voltage lighting ballasts as of January 1, 2008. Mercury Breath is getting phased out to assure the ambiance and to advance activity ability in lighting.
High Voltage bulbs apart over 50% ability (A altitude of how abounding lumens a lamp produces per watt consumed) aural 5 years. In actuality mercury breath technology is over a bisected aeon old and has the affliction lamp ability compared to any added ablaze source. Therefore, it was just a amount of time afore this anachronistic of lighting was outlawed.
What challenges does this new law present for home owners who run this blazon of mural lighting arrangement in Dallas, Texas?
In a nutshell,
Once the lifetime of your mercury balance has run its course, you will no best be able to alter it.
So, what are my options you may ask?
Be alert if your lighting expert/electrician tells you that you can artlessly change out a fixture: The actuality is: mercury breath or top voltage bulbs were alone bogus for use with mercury breath ballasts.
Some will acquaint you that there is a commensurable metal halide lamp. Compared to what? Metal Halide is annihilation added than artery lamp. Do you wish a artery lamp on your backyard or in your tree? A artery lamp is artery lamp no amount how you analyze it, although it may be a abundant application if you are parking cars on your lawn.
A metal halide lamp will not plan with mercury breath ballasts. Someone may acclaim replacing your mercury breath ballasts with metal halide ballasts. What they don't acquaint you is that bifold rated ballasts advertisement bifold applications for metal halide and mercury breath will be afflicted so that mercury breath is no best listed for use with these products. The use of a top voltage lamp with ballasts not listed for use with mercury breath lamp will breach UL advertisement and abandoned all warranties.
Inevitably, all mercury breath or top voltage systems acclimated for Dallas mural lighting systems and beyond the U.S. will be phased out as mercury breath ballasts fail.
So in reality, Dallas homeowners utilizing mercury breath blazon mural lighting systems are faced with alone a brace of absolute solutions if replacing their mercury breath system.
1. Alter mercury breath lamps, fixtures, and ballasts with metal halide lamps, fixtures, and ballasts.
Advantages: quick fix, added able than mercury vapor, abundant for parking, hunting
Disadvantages: cher to Install, cher to run, top voltage, beefy electric alliance boxes, aberrant electrical aqueduct piping, and admirable built-in copse boarded aloft with huge fixtures, timberline arise boxes, j-boxes, and added cruddy ability food and components, no adaptability for changes in landscape, flood light
2. Phase out absolutely the HV (High Voltage) arrangement and alter with activity able low voltage/led solution.
Advantages: Do abroad with all cruddy eyesores (bulky electric alliance boxes, aberrant electrical aqueduct piping, and admirable built-in copse boarded aloft with huge fixtures, timberline arise boxes, j-boxes, and added cruddy ability food and components) low Cost, actual energy-efficient & environmentally friendly, blends in with the landscape, actual adjustable as mural changes over time, customized for aftereffect utilizing assorted fixtures, lamp specifications, able lighting techniques & design, 10 year warranty
It is the admiration of FX Architecture Lighting to admit endeavors through educating Dallas Mural Lighting home owners about the allowances of modern, high-efficiency lighting solutions and another remedies to the top amount and activity inadequacies in the residential ambiance that mercury breath and metal halide (street ablaze technology) solutions offer.

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