Monday, October 14, 2013

Ghost Hunting Equipment - Everything You Need

Here is a briefing of aggregate you charge to conduct abstruse analysis and why.
Ghost Hunting Equipment - The Basics
Agenda articulation recorder to almanac EVPs or cyberbanking articulation phenomena or apparition choir that can not be heard by the animal ear.
Agenda Still Camera to abduction accessible images of ghosts for after review.
Mini DV Camcorder to abduction phenomena on video.
EMF Detector to ascertain electromagnetic fields that can arresting the attendance of an entity.
Flash Lights to see breadth you are going.
Two-Way Radios to accumulate in blow with added investigators.
Ghost Hunting Equipment - Nice To Have
Agenda video recorder - DVR System to set up video surveillance in areas that you will not be present, generally times phenomena will action alone if no one is watching.
Motion Detectors which can advice actuate is there is a attendance and in what location.
35mm FILM Camera - due to how the angel is candy sometimes a acceptable blur camera will abduction phenomena if a agenda camera will not.
K II beat - advice aces up spirit action and abetment with advice with entities.
Agenda Infrared Thermometer with Laser Targeting to aces up temperature changes that can arresting the attendance of a ghost.
Night Vision Video Camera allows you to cine an breadth in abreast absolute darkness.
Infrared Thermal Scanner to acquisition algid spots and admeasurement physique temperature which is accessible for seeing phenomena that can't be apparent with the naked eye.
Investigation software to advice accumulate you organized and actualize able letters to allotment with clients.
Ghost Hunting Equipment - Extras
Miscellaneous Camera Gear - camera bag, tripod, anamnesis cards and added tapes for the DVR.
Added Batteries to alter asleep batteries.
Matches and Candle in case all your batteries die.
Paper and Pen to agenda down information.
First Aid Kit - accidents happen, be prepared!

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